Our collaborative approach to S.T.E.M. provides students with a unique opportunity to engage in chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, circuits, robotics, math, papercraft, and rocket science experiments.
Program Overview
We challenge students of all ages to investigate the wonders of the many scientific fields. Our collaborative approach to S.T.E.M. provides students with a unique opportunity to engage in chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, circuits, robotics, math, papercraft, and rocket science experiments. Students will work cooperatively with peers to accomplish S.TE.M. investigations.

Students can explore the scientific fields of chemistry and biology. Students will learn about chemical reactions, cell structures, and more through experiments in a safe learning environment.

We provide students with the tools to experiment with robotic technology while learning about construction and programming.

We use Lego Mind Storm to help students understand the different branches of engineering and problem solving while incorporating mathematics and physics.

Math is the language of science and is integral in the process of understanding the diverse scientific field. We help students by providing them with one-on-one tutoring or group studies.